Celebrating Fifteen Years Of moving brands forward
Celebrating Fifteen Years
On Purpose

We have delivered a series of brand sprints this January to different size businesses in a range of sectors.

What we have heard loud and clear from the people we have met in these sessions, is their desire to find ways of not just stating their purpose and values, but demonstrating them in experiences that resonate with their target audiences.

One attendee said they still bled the brand colour of a former employer because the business was openly value and purpose led. The fact this was still strongly felt, as well as passionately expressed, was testament to the power of brand in creating loyalty.

An organisation that can embed purpose and values into the fine threads of their business processes and communications, can develop meaningful relationships with both their staff and their consumers, creating connections that have depth and engender commitment, trust and loyalty to the brand.

This is a challenge for organisations. We know through experience that purposes and values can be relatively easy to articulate on paper, but far harder to effectively build into the nature and culture of the business.

The challenge for brand strategists is to convince clients that committing to ongoing support in implementing and managing their brand is where the true value for them lies.